Graphec® Quenchers
Graphec® quenchers ensure rapid cooling of hot gases (up to 1800 ° C), by sudden evaporation of a liquid.
TAvailable construction materials are graphite grades Graphec® iSP (fine grain) or Graphec® ILP (ultra-fine grain). Graphec® quenchers may have also large diameter (up to 2400 mm). They can be reinforced with external carbon fiber wrapping, Graphec® CFx, in order to increase the resistance and make them safer in the case of unforeseen and hazardous operating conditions.
Depending on the characteristics of treated fumes, Ecarb produces three models of Graphec® quenchers:
- PQ, pipe quench, with cooling ring for high temperature and saturation section
- MPQ mono-pipe quencher
- VQ quencher with variable section (venturi quencher)
Each geometry better suits to certain process conditions, such as the presence of particulates, the need to keep under control pressure drop or the variability of the feed flow rate. Every detail is designed to increase the lifetime of the equipment and to ensure an uniform distribution of the liquid, even under abnormal conditions.